Interested in becoming part of our community?
Learn how through our step-by-step procedures below.
Family Tour of the Centre and Meeting with Our Director
Families are welcome to come visit the Centre through appointment in the morning from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, or in the afternoon from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The tour will be conducted with Ms Reima. If these times do not suit your busy schedule, special appointments can be made with by contacting the Centre at (604) 986-2388.
After the Tour, families will meet with our Director to discuss our philosophy and programming. The Centre strongly suggests that you visit more than one daycare or centre to create an informed decision for your child!
Offering Space to a New Family
When there is a childcare space available, our Administrator will try to contact your family by way of phone and email. We require that you respond to the offer within 3 business days. If after 3 business days without success of a response, we will have no other alternative but to offer the childcare space available to the next family on the list.
If you accept the childcare space within the 3 business days, two non-refundable fees will be required to secure your space: an application fee of $150 and a space deposit, which is equivalent to half (1/2) a month's tuition. The space deposit will be used towards your first month’s tuition. Further questions can be addressed to the Administrator of the Centre.
Registration Package and Orientation Forms
Upon enrolment, you fill out the registration package which includes: a parent contract agreement, child's medical history, a copy of child’s birth certificate, web consent agreement, immunization history, and emergency information. In addition, you will be given a copy of the orientation forms to fill out two weeks prior to your child’s start date.
Orientation Meeting with Classroom Educators
After confirming your child’s schedule with our administrator, families will have an orientation meeting with your child’s educator. This meeting is normally scheduled 2 weeks prior to your child’s start date. At this meeting, you receive information about your child's classroom, as well as having the opportunity to ask questions. With the educator, you will review the forms that were included in the registration package. In addition, you will be given a classroom orientation, with an item checklist and gradual entry schedule.
Mandatory Parent Meeting
Mandatory Parent Meetings are set in the month of September for new and returning families. This meeting covers: our parent handbook, policies, parent agreement contract, classroom curriculum, and homework guidelines. It is expected that families who do not attend the set meeting in September, will make arrangements with Ms. Morris for an alternate time within the month.
For families who start after September, the family will be expected to set up a mandatory parent meeting prior to starting or during the week of gradual entry.
Our Fee Schedule
If you are interested in enrolling your child to Harbourside Children's Centre, below is our fee schedules for the 2023-2024 school year. If changes occur, current parent(s) with children enrolled at the Centre will be notified via the Brightwheel app.
Application Form
If you have decided to send your child to Harbourside Children’s Centre, an application form is filled, signed, dated, and returned. In the event that your preferred days are unavailable, your child's name may be placed on our waiting list. To ensure fairness for all applicants, the list follows the basis of first-come-first-serve, with the exception of siblings of current students. We try to give at least 2 months notice to families when a space becomes available for their child. If you are set to go, fill out our application form below.